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Can freedom also be a curse?

Writer's picture: Melissa HunterMelissa Hunter

Getting to the author:

1. Who is your favorite character from your newest release? And why?

My newest release will be Spellbreaker, in the Souls & Shadows boxset. It's hard to pick a favorite character--like picking a child! But, if I had to pick one, it would have to be Mr. Wolf. He's loyal. Fierce. Wiling to do anything to protect the ones he cares about. Plus, he's kind of an outcast and I want everyone who has ever felt that way to find their people.

2. How do you balance work and home life?

I try to keep a pretty tight schedule. I set aside time for writing everyday. Sometimes that means I get up really early or go to bed really late, but it's worth it. I currently have a 3 hr round trip commute, so listening to audio books in the car also helps me stay on top of my "reading," since it's a dedicated 3 hrs a day I can devote to devouring all the great books out there. Between working full time, being an author, and having family obligations, there isn't much room for anything else.

3. First Paranormal romance book you read?

Twilight, when I was in high school. That's really all I want to say about that. :)

4. Do you Google yourself? If so did you laugh or find it interesting?

I do Google myself from time-to-time to make sure that all my books pop up. There are A LOT of S McClure's out there!

5. How do you select the names of your characters?

Honestly, if I hear a name I find interesting, I keep a record of it. Or I write out a ton of names until I find that fits the character. Or I dream about it.

6. If you didn’t write, what would you do for work?

What I do for my full time work now: work in higher education helping college students figure out what they want to do with their lives. :)

7. Who are you reading now?

Bella Forrest! She is amazing!

8. Do you have a special playlist for writing?

I listen to instrumental music when I write. Sometimes that's jazz, movie soundtracks, classical music, you name it.

9. Last, if you could go back before you published your first book and do it all over again, would you? All the hard parts and easy strides.

YES! I love writing. It's hard and time-consuming, but meeting all these amazing fans and other authors has been the best part of the experience. Seeing the characters I've developed come to life is a dream come true!

For cursed witch Nadine, there are only two options left: break the curse or die. But either way, she may lose the one thing she cares about most: her freedom.

Nadine Sherwood is the last in her bloodline bound by a terrible curse. Unable to leave her family’s estate for longer than three days without triggering her death, she’s been forced into servitude by her stepmother.

Her one hope is breaking the curse that separates her from the prince she loves. But when she’s sucked into a realm governed by a mysterious witch, everything she knows about herself is called into question.

Breaking the curse will free her, but keeping it is the only way to save the people she loves.

Fans of Lucy Tempest & M. Lynn won’t be able to get enough of this fairy tale retelling.

Quick Fire Questions:

Black or Purple- Purple

Guy’s POV or Gal’s POV-Gal’s POV-

Read or Write- Write

Dragons or Wolves- Dragons

Aliens or Shifters- Shifters

Just started your writing career or About to retire- Just started your writing career

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