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I will not be denied my Justice, or my vengeance.

Writer's picture: Melissa HunterMelissa Hunter

*George steps forward and clears throat* Hear ye all now! The Root of England and Wales of the Order of the Rose has stepped forward to claim her position and has sworn fealty to her most gracious majesty, Elizabeth Tudor. Heed her words well. *narrows eyes* Or the double-roses will deal with ye and ye don’t want us dealing with you.

*Root Anna Elizabeta steps forward, smiling as George steps back.* Good day to you all. I am quite pleased to introduce you to the historical series The Order of the Rose. My story is told in The Hidden Rose. Secretly, I arrived in London, fearing for my life and trusting few besides my beloved and vigilant Protector Alicia. *Alicia steps forward and gravely salutes with a fist over her heart.* Walsingham, the queen’s spymaster, who thinks ten steps ahead of everyone else. *Sir Francis Walsingham steps forward and nods his head.* He brought Rose to us. *She smiles at the young woman who beams at her as she curtseys.* However, the night I arrived, Sir Francis had one of the London Roses watching with orders to follow Alicia and me to the palace at Whitehall. Sir Owain ap Llewellyn ap Tudor, a Welsh cousin of the Queen. *A tall, broad-shouldered man steps forward. He wears scarlet and gold roses on his collarbone. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he kisses her.* Owain, don’t distract me or I’ll go into another tavern.* Chuckling, he keeps an arm around her. * And there is Owain’s brother, Griffin, whom I nearly stabbed with a thrown knife.* A man very similar to Owain steps forward and kisses her hand.* And their Welsh cousin, Daffyd, who has a special place in Walsingham’s spy network, but throws it all away for a maid with a blade. *A red-hair version of Owain and Griffin appears, bows and goes to Rose who blushes.* These all, George and others come to my rescue when villains threaten the queen. But the threat did not end there. After Griffin is sent on a mission, word comes of a rebellion by earls – Northumberland and Westmoreland with support from Elders of York whom my grandfather left in charge of the English Roses. At great risk Sir Edward and Sir Jasper * two men with drawn swords bow* get word to London. In Justice of the Root, Owain and I lead the Roses of London along with the Root of Normandy, his Heir and the Heir to Gascony plus Roses from their branches in a race to York to save Sir Edward and his betrothed, Celeste. The treachery of the Elders of York involves more than open treason. But I will not be denied my Justice, or my vengeance. So, ride along with us for historical romance, intrigue and adventure!

Pick it up today!

Virtual stalking time:


"1. Who is your favorite character from your newest release? And why?"

Celeste - all her life she's tried to be the proper lady - running the manor, being respectable and all. When confronted with the reality of her world, she realizes that to survive she has to find a courage she never knew she had.

"2. How do you select the names of your characters? "

Sometimes I do, or I think I do. I had one female character and her partner refused to call her by the name I'd given her. I had an argument with him and he simply told me I'd given her the wrong name. He was right, dammit. The story had stalled because of it. Once I figured it out, the story flew out of my fingers.

"3. If you didn’t write, what would you do for work? "

I'd want to play the piano or do something with plants.

"4. What is your writing Kryptonite? "

What I refuse to write? Horror. What I can't write? Esh. I just try to write what the voices in my head tell me to. Fortunately, they haven't overly shocked me. Yet.

"5. Who are you reading now? "

I'm reading Winter Wishes the anthology. :)

"6. Do you have a special playlist for writing? "

I have playlists before writing depending on the scenes I think I'll be writing - but once I put fingers on the keys, I either turn it to New Age or soundscapes.

"7. Last, if you could go back before you published your first book and do it all over again, would you? All the hard parts and easy strides."

Yes. Every minute of it. But I would like to learn certain things faster.

Quick fire Questions

Black or Purple- Purple

Guy’s POV or Gal’s POV- Gal’s POV

Read or Write- Write

Dragons or Wolves- Dragons

Aliens or Shifters- Shifters

Just started your writing career or About to retire- Just started your writing career



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